Hydraulic Disc Harrow

Hydraulic Disc Harrow

Working Width 145 cm – 167 cm
Discs size 61 cm
Weight 685 Kg
No’s of discs available 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

SKU: hydraulic-disc-harrow Category:

This type of disc harrow is universally used by farmers for countless functions, from land preparation to dumping organic debris, Hydraulic disc harrows can nail them all. Being inducted through hydraulic mode, these farm implements for sale can provide Togolese farmers with tremendous ease when it comes to shattering indestructible soil clods.

Primary Features

  • Clod shattering is less stressful for Togolese farmers.
  • Export quality farm implements, verified under internationally accepted laws of verification.
  • Robust structure, capable to withstand harsh soil conditions, without being damaged.
  • Economically priced.

Secondary Features

  • The average working width is estimated to be 145 cm – 167 cm.
  • The average weight is measured to be 685 Kg.
  • The average disc size is estimated to be 61 cm.
  • The available number of discs is 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20.

Masseyferguson.tg has versatile farm implements that are idealized by Togolese farmers. These farm implements in Togo can yield dynamic agricultural performance and can help amplify the farming potential of sowing, reaping, cultivating, tilling, ploughing, mowing, etc. Henceforth, increase your harvesting capacities by investing in the most sought-after farm implements in Togo, only at Massey Ferguson Togo.