Post Hole Digger

Post Hole Digger

Post Hole Digger Specification
540 RPM PTO.
Auger sizes: 9” & 18”
Depth: 90cm (36”)

SKU: post-hole-digger Category:


Post-hole diggers are the most affordable yet ideal resource to create uniform-sized holes in the Togolese soil that can be used for countless purposes by native farmers. These diggers make use of a long pointed apparatus, fiercely digging through the soil depth, to obtain rows of equally spaced uniform holes, which can either be used for sapling insertion or signpost insertion.


Primary Features

  • Can be used as a mini carne as of its functions.
  • Rows of uniformly spaced holes are created with great frequency.
  • Even the drilled parts can be pulled out pretty quickly.
  • Boundary creation, planting saplings, or signpost insertion are some of the countless purposes which require the creation of uniform holes.
  • Export quality farm implements, verified under internationally accepted laws of verification.


Secondary Features

  • Auger size is inferred to be 9” & 18”.
  • The estimated weight of this long apparatus is 170 Kg.
  • The vital accessories are a grader and kit.
  • The average recorded depth is 90 cm (36”).

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